Impact on Behavior
Note: These measures were added on 09/01/2020 so only clients who started treatment after that date will have results. As more clients enter treatment, the sample size will grow.
These Are Actual Results For Every Session,
Updated Daily From Participating Agencies
Self-harm and Suicidal Ideation
Clients were asked whether they had engaged in self-harm or had suicidal ideation in the year prior to treatment. The chart represents the percentage who reported another YES and again at 20 sessions. The same results for clients who had 40 sessions will be displayed when there is enough data to draw any conclusions.
Arrests and Incarcerations
Adult client were asked whether they had been arrested or incarcerated in the last year. They were again asked whether that happened after 20 sessions. The graph represents the percentage who reported "yes". Results after 40 sessions will be reported when there is enough data to draw any conclusions. It should be noted that the agency that worked with felons was largely stopped from doing neurofeedback because of Covid so their results are not included here. When they resume it will be added.
School Disciplinary Actions
Parents were asked wether their child had some sort of school disciplinary actions in the year prior to treatment. The graph represents the percentage who reported "yes" for the year prior also reported "yes" after 20 sessions. Results after 40 sessions will be reported when there is enough data to draw any conclusions.
Drug and/or Alcohol Relapses
For clients who reported they had a problem with drugs or alcohol in the year prior to treatment, whether they had relapsed during that period. The chart represents the percentage who reported having a problem and having relapsed in the year prior and again by 20 and 40 sessions. No results are displayed if there is insufficient data to draw any conclusions.
Nicotine Use
Clients were asked whether they used nicotine (smoked cigarettes, vaped or chewed tobacco) in the year prior to treatment. The chart represents the percentage who reported another YES and again at 20 sessions. The same results for clients who had 40 sessions will be displayed when there is enough data to draw any conclusions.
Medical Marijuana Use
Clients were asked whether they used medical marijuana in the year prior to treatment. The chart represents the percentage who reported another YES and again at 20 sessions. The same results for clients who had 40 sessions will be displayed when there is enough data to draw any conclusions.